Why should you start with a single niche blog or narrow your blogging niche? | Techsaga Corporations

Qeren Nkya
4 min readMay 31, 2021


If you are planning on making money through blogging, if you are planning to rank highest in SEO, or if you are planning to do content marketing to promote your business or website picking up a niche for your blog is what you need at first. Start with narrowing down the menu of your blog categories.

Let’s first understand what is a niche-

A niche is a narrowed specialization in the marketplace, a smaller segment of a larger part or you can say it is a specific topic or category. For example, a broad niche blog may include topics like Interior Design, health and care, pet care, Fashion and beauty, etc. But you can even narrow down these niches to decorate your office space, female post-pregnancy health, skincare routine trends and so on. We can say that a blog niche doesn’t need to be so broad and it doesn’t need to be too narrows as well.

The factor that makes your niche blog a profitable one is that it’s centered on a specific subject matter that could appeal specific target audience we want to focus on. The narrower you go, the much fewer potential site visitors you may get which simply means more potential leads and more conversions rather than useless traffic. By taking a niche into a narrow focus, you’ll speedily discover that you’re standing out among your competitors and making waves.

A niche blog always marks an impact on its reader as it is specific to them and might be problem-solving.

Here is a list of 5 reasons why should start with a single niche or narrow down your blogging niche-

  1. Specific Target Audeince-

The main purpose of bloggers is to attract more and more traffic. If you’re a niche blogger, your blog caters to a particular segment of your audience. Therefore, it’s easy to target your viewers through networking and creating related content. Once you know your audience, you can easily target it on social media platforms. For a typical blog, the boundaries between the target segment and the rest of the world are ambiguous. This makes it difficult to communicate with the reader. Targeted audiences give far better results to niche bloggers than poorly defined target audiences, as in the case of a typical blog.

2. Easy to set up and add content

Niche blogs require less effort to deploy than regular blogs. You don’t have to brainstorm on new topics every day. Instead, there is one topic to write about. This simplifies the overall design of your website and makes it easier for your readers to search for content. Bogging requires different categories of topics, which makes blogging look messy. It’s also easy to add content for niche blogs. Your main focus is on a single topic, making it easier to cover all aspects related to the topic. Add all sorts of information, including pros and cons, product reviews, and expert opinion related to your blog topic to get the most readers out of your blog or simply hire a social media marketing company to cater to all your blog promotional needs.

3. Reliable audience

Niche blogs take lesser time to set up and provide a more reliable audience for your website. By providing readers with valuable content about a particular niche, they are more likely to remain loyal to your brand. People who visit your blog once are very likely to continue to refer to your blog for information related to that topic. This is to fully understand the needs of your target audience and create relevant content accordingly. This will help attract more traffic to your blog which can later turn into conversions.

4. Better SEO ranking

To be honest search engines love niche blogs and favors them a lot. This is because it is more authentic than another broad category of blogs. Niche blogs also contain more valuable information related to a particular topic and are more beneficial for the audience as this is something they are particularly looking for. Broad category blogs are so common that they don’t add much value to your readers’ lives. Internal links play a major role in the excellent SEO ranking of niche blogs. Higher the ranking higher the profit.

5. Easy to Monetize-

Niche blogs are easily monetized in fact the purpose of setting up a niche blog is to be able to monetize it. In the case of broad category blogs making money through it or getting conversions is a tedious process and success is not guaranteed whereas with niche blogs it’s easier to convert site traffic into money. This is because niche blogs have a well-defined target market that attracts loyal readers. These blogs use subject-specific keywords and local locations to help you get the ROI you want.

Pick your blog niche or narrow down your blogging niche today and make difference in your success. Techsaga corporation is a software development company that helps customers to advance their business with development and information technology operations. Techsaga comprises a multidisciplinary team of certified experts, design creators, strategists, and innovators providing a variety of services like Web-Design solutions, web Development, Digital Marketing, E-Commerce Solutions. Let Techsaga take you to the new heights of sustainable marketing. Visit our website to know more…https://www.techsaga.co.in/

